Question #11050072

Does he like me?? Please help! :))?

So before I tell you the signs he's giving me, I think you should know a little bit about him. He's a generally nice guy, and he's very outgoing. Like, not shy at ALL. He's also really crazy sometimes, but in a good way. He's really funny too. 1. He's always close to me. Sometimes he'll wander off next to me, but I don't think he notices what he's doing. 2. I find him glancing at me. 3. Sometimes he'll turn to me and open his mouth to say something, but then he'll shake it off or someone will start talking and he looks sad. 4. He makes sure I'm never left out when I'm with his friends. If I do start to feel left out, he gets this worried look on his face and turns around every once in a while to see what I'm doing. 5. He treats me differently than his friends. An example is when we were outside, and he said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to offer. Want a french fry?" but to his friends he was just like, "No." and they got in a fight over the french fries. (lol) 6. That was a day when I felt kinda left out, and I think he could sense something was going on. When his friends went inside, he told them he was going to stay outside and talk to me. He asked me if I liked food, and I sarcastically said I was anorexic. lol 7. That's another thing. With his friends, he never shuts up. When he's with me, he asks stupid questions because he's at a loss for words. So that's basically it. Tell me what you think! ~Coralie

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