Does he like me, or is just leading me on?
I get along really well with this guy. We were colleagues but after i left the job he initiated contact and we meet up to catch up every 1.5mths or so. We talk for hours each time. He's always gentlemanly n foots the bill (but he earns much more). I asked him recently if he likes me only as a friend, or more. He replied that he likes and admires me as a friend, before adding that he "hopes this friendship continues ahead". I took it to mean that he's not interested and wants to be only friends with me right up to the future. But is it possible that he meant something else? What did he mean by saying that he hope our friendship "continues ahead"? I didn't tell him that i really like him, but i do. After the above incident, he acted like he used to - i.e. texting me to share about random things, asking to meet up, etc. Surely he ought to know that by asking him that question, i'm interested in more? Is he trying to lead me on? Btw, i'm a girl.
TELL US , if you have any answer