Question #11100158

This lion or demon thing is trying to take this girl. Shes on a bed or something nd the angels try 2 save her.?

This movie came out about 5-8 years ago. Maybe but i really don't remember. I just know i was really young. So there's this demon or lion type thing that is trying to take this girl. The girl is like in a bedroom setting or something and you kinda see gold lights/clouds or something and these gates are opening. Angels on the wall and/or gate are trying to save the girl and i believe she's trying to keep this really large door closed so the demon like lion won't get her. That's really all i remember. I hope someone remembers this movie. It's not a spoof or anything so please someone think back and try to remember. This is making me so mad that i can't remember.

2013-10-15 06:05:15

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