Question #11200270

Who do you agree with? Sidhu or Ganguly?

Sidhu: The bowlers who are not performing well should be replaced by those who are warming the benches. They are not mere water carriers. Not always your batsmen will be able to defend your weaknesses. He is criticizing Dhoni's strategy. Ganguly: The bowlers who are not performing well should be given another chance. They will not become players if your drop them for a couple of bad performances. If they fail in this match, then Dhoni can think of replacing them. Plus giving them another chance even after failing means a psychological pressure upon them to perform. 360 is not scored everyday. He is supporting Dhoni's strategy. Who do you support here? Sidhu seemed pretty confident that the spectators will support his views when he said his usual dialogue "Faisla janta janardhan ka. Janta janardhan hi parmatma hai".

2013-10-19 09:53:31

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