Question #11650426

Countif(Sheet1!$E:$E, "<4000")?

Countif(Sheet1!$E:$E, "<4000") For some reason this does not work. Whats the proper syntax to count the values smaller than a certain number because when I try just for 4000 LCountif(Sheet1!$E:$E, "4000") it works, but not when I want to count numbers smaller than that number. Additional Details This is in Microsoft Excel. I just do not know what I am doing wrong the countif for smaller than a number does not work. the range is not the problem because when I do Countif(Sheet1!$E:$E, "4000") it works perfectly as it should. I just need to count when it is smaller than 4000. Even when I try Countif(Sheet1!$E:$E, "2000") it works as well. But it does not work when I try Countif(Sheet1!$E:$E, "

2013-11-07 19:12:52

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