Question #15068228

What is considered to be "normal." ....?

I'm wondering, LOL, because I realized yesterday that there is probably nothing about my life that is normal. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I do not have normal hours, normal eating habits, "normal" lifestyle.... My work schedule can be day or night, I sometimes work 16 hour days but other times have long periods of little to no work. I guess that the only real issues that can be problematic are my biological (eating, sleeping) habits which are so inconsistent that I sometimes forget what day it is or if I ate that day (I'm working on this, honest). So, is it ok if I eat breakfast at 1 am? Hmmm, as I have been pondering this I began to wonder, just what is "normal" anyway? Is there such a thing? I don't really feel that there is anything horrible about my lifestyle but am curious... what defines normal in society? Is it simply a matter of what is most commonly accepted? Common "work" hours? What, in your opinions, is considered to be a "normal" lifestyle, taking in consideration past, present and shifting work schedules and an "around the clock" society. If you are going to take on this question, please elaborate. I want to know what you think. ; ) Thanks and Happy 2011!

2017-05-02 05:06:43

TELL US , if you have any answer

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