Question #1636772

I need a flat stomache by summer, it's February. Any help? Please(:?

Okay, so. I've heard about all the stupid tips for toning stomachs and such. Fail. I'm eating breakfast,a apple or 2 for lunch. And dinner, I NEED a flat stomachs by summer, isit possible. I've started doing football for an hour after school on Thursdays. Every Friday morning I have PE, either in the gym or outside. At home, I've started doing 250 stars jumps in the morning and night. 20sqauts, 5-10push ups. And SOMETIMES I dance around my room. Is this the right thing to do? Pleaseeee. I need help. I've started this all today. I try my hardest not to eat sweets, and junk food. I also cut down on the portion of my food. Any other tips. THAT WORK? Is this the right path? I'm 13, and I'm sick and tierd of a fat belly;P best answer gets 10points thanks xoxoxo I turn 14 in July. I'm a girl(: xo

2013-02-25 21:03:42

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