Question #11050178

Should I get a Volvo 850 or S70?

I'm looking into getting a first car, and I have begun investigating volvos. I mostly like the 850's and S70's. I prefer the S70's styling, but I hear that they weren't as reliable. I would buy the car with a 5 speed. I know that the S70 would be quicker because it has the turbo, but does that hurt it's reliability? Also, these would both be in sedan form. I'm just wondering if the S70 would be less reliable, and just how reliable these cars are. I'm fairly confident my parents will pay for most repairs, but I don't want to empty their bank account. Dont give me any "just get a honda" nonsense, I am only looking to hear about these two volvos in this thread. Thanks!

2013-10-13 07:04:47

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