Question #11100167

Missed a dose on clavamox or kitten with uri?

I am fostering a 12 week old kitten with upper respiratory. I was prescribed antibiotics to treat him with. Clavamox for twice a day for ten days. I have been giving it at 6:00 am, one hour before work and at 6:30 pm right after I get off of work. I had a family emergency come up and missed the dose, but gave the missed dose at 8:30 p.m. instead of 6:30 pm. What would be the best option for giving the next dose? Should I just give the next dose at 6:30 am as normal? Please note that I have to go to work at 7:00 am so giving the dose at 8:30 (12 hour rule) again is not possible. Thank you so much!

2013-10-15 06:08:19

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