Question #11650279

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14. Strictly using the word “heat” as in the text (a) I heat a room with a fire(b) I heat a room with a hot water radiator (c) I heat a pan on an electric kitchen stove(d) My cup of coffee has a lot of heat in it 15.The sun’s surface is about 5600 degrees. It makes no real difference if the scales are (a) K and C. (b) F and C(c) F and K (d) must be K (e) must be C 16. Which of the following temperatures are possible? (a) -34 K (b) -34 C(c) -34 F (d) +34 K 17. If there are molecules that are the smell of freshly baked bread, which molecules are moving the slowest in my kitchen? (a) The oxygen(b) The nitrogen(c) The bread “escapees”(d) The carbon dioxide (e) all the same 18. If there are molecules that are the smell of freshly baked bread, which molecules have the lowest kinetic energy in my kitchen? (a) The oxygen(b) The nitrogen(c) The bread “escapees”(d) The carbon dioxide (e) all the same 19. Hot air molecules raise the temperature of a wall when they hit it because of (a) conservation of momentum (b) elastic collisions at the wall(c) radiation(d) Newton’s 3rd Law 20. The specific heat capacity of lead is about 0.03 cal/oC/g. The 300 g pewter vase (mostly lead) is heated from 1oC to 21oC. It will have to absorb _________ calories. (a) 1.8(b) 18(c) 180(d) 1800 21. If the pewter vase of #20 had 300 g of water in it, the water would absorb ______________ calories. a. 60 b. 600c. 6,000d. 60,000 22. If an object at 30 C absorbs 400 J of energy from an object that was at 10 C, this would violate the (a) 1st law of thermodynamics (b) 2nd law of thermodynamics (c) 3rd law of thermodynamics(d) zeroth law of thermodynamics 23. If an object at 30 C absorbs 400 J of energy from an object that was at 10 C, this would notviolate the (a) 1st law of thermodynamics (b) 2nd law of thermodynamics (c) 3rd law of thermodynamics(d) zeroth law of thermodynamics 24. If your car engine burned enough fuel to release 100,000,000 Joules of energy and it took 15,000,000 J of energy to move the car, there must have been J of energy produced in heating the atmosphere from the radiator and exhaust pipe. (This is not an unreasonable set of numbers.) a. 15,000,000b. 0c. 85,000,000d. 100,000,000 25. The energy that went into the atmosphere in #24 a. is lostb. is not lost, but is no longer useful c. is not lost, but shows up as entropy in the atmosphere.d. contributes to climate change 26. Liquid water is (low, same, greater) in entropy content when compared with ice (solid water). 27. When you put liquid water in the freezer and ice is formed, the entropy content of those water molecules (increases, stays the same, decreases). 28. According to the an alternative statement of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy in the universe is always (increasing, conserved, decreasing). 29. Since entropy (decreased, stayed the same, increased) in the water of #27, that means entropy somewhere else in the universe must have (decreased, stayed the same, increased). [It has been said the universe is running down.] 30. Water has an abnormally high boiling point because of the a. H-O bondb. H-H bondc. H-bondd. O-O bond 31. Why does a wet cloth on your child’s fever plagued forehead cool them down? a. You said it wouldb. Higher speed water molecules carry off energyc. The temperature is lowered as the water evaporates d. Heat flows for the forehead into the damp cloth and into the water molecules 32. Water molecules have a charge distribution due to the electrons bonding the protons to the oxygen atom that a. are uniformb. have an greater distribution of electrons on the oxygen “end” c. Have a lesser distribution of electrons around the protonsd. vary with temperature

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Physics Questions Strictly “heat” text a fire b radiator c electric kitchen stove d coffee it 15 The sun’s surface degrees difference scales are a C 16 following temperatures possible a K 17 molecules freshly bread molecules moving slowest kitchen a oxygen b nitrogen c “escapees” d carbon dioxide same 18 molecules freshly bread molecules lowest kinetic energy kitchen a oxygen b nitrogen c “escapees” d carbon dioxide same 19 molecules temperature because of a conservation momentum elastic collisions wall c radiation d Newton’s Law 20 specific capacity cal oC g pewter mostly heated absorb calories a 1 8 b 180 d 1800 21 pewter absorb calories 6 000d 60 000 22 object absorbs energy object violate the a thermodynamics thermodynamics c thermodynamics d zeroth thermodynamics 23 object absorbs energy object notviolate the a thermodynamics thermodynamics c thermodynamics d zeroth thermodynamics 24 engine burned enough release 100 000 000 Joules energy 15 000 000 energy energy produced heating atmosphere radiator exhaust unreasonable numbers a 15 000 000b 85 000 000d 100 000 000 25 energy atmosphere 24 a lostb longer useful c entropy atmosphere d contributes climate change 26 Liquid greater entropy content compared solid water 27 liquid freezer formed entropy content molecules increases decreases 28 According alternative statement thermodynamics entropy universe always increasing conserved decreasing entropy decreased stayed increased entropy somewhere universe decreased stayed increased universe running down 30 abnormally boiling because the a bondb bondc H bondd child’s plagued forehead down a wouldb Higher molecules energyc temperature lowered evaporates d forehead molecules 32 molecules charge distribution electrons bonding protons oxygen that a uniformb greater distribution electrons oxygen “end” c lesser distribution electrons around protonsd temperature 0

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