Question #12500105

As a disabled Iraq veteran wanting to start a small business if you google and look for help millions of site?

As a disabled Iraq veteran wanting to start a small business if you google and look for help millions of site pop up and say they can and will help but deeper digging takes you to sites that want your money or back to VA sites that are harder to navigate than the Obama care site and offer even less help. Add to it that the goverment is on a half day schedule until Jan 6 for the Christmas holidays. At a time of year when thousands of veterans are in need of help to feed their families pay their bills and just get by. Those in the places that could really help work from 9-12 then call it a day. I grew up hearing the old adage “talk the talk and walk the walk”! Well lots of organizations and the goverment has the “talking” part done but are no where to be found now that it’s time to ” walk that talk”! And where is the out cry of the American people? Disabled veterans suffer in silence. Not by choice but because they can’t be heard over all the noise being made by organizations claiming th

2013-12-14 20:42:58

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