Question #12800086

What kind of things would you suggest for my Alcatel One Touch Evolve phone?

I've just gotten this phone a few days ago and I'm still learning. I go to this one guy at T-Mobile who has been really helpful, as he should, but still. He knows his sh**t. Anyway, one of the things I thought I'd ask people is what type of apps should I get? I'm a writer, so I would like word apps. So far I've gotten Word Search. I hate crosswords. I'm also artistic I do like some board games, I suck at chess, but I did download Checkers. I've also downloaded Skype, once I figure out who I know has it I've also downloaded Zedge. That thing is freaking awesome. I didn't know such a thing existed. You would not believe what I had for Mom. Maybe you would, but it's funny. It is certainly a big leap from the LG US Cellular flip phone I had. I'm sure everyone will have ideas, but please send them my way. I will test them and see if I like them, and rate someone with the best answer.

2013-12-30 01:50:52

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