Question #12800171

Sims 3 Icons Won't Start the Launcher (And one expansion pack does not work)?

I have two problems: First: I have four sims disks - the base game, outdoor living stuff, into the future, and island paradise. I have all four games icons' on my desktop, but when you click on them they do not start the launcher... You also cannot start it from the start panel, or from the pop-up when the disk is inserted. I have Malwarebytes, but as far as I know that is not creating a problem because it was working yesterday. Second: When the launcher does work, when I try to use the island paradise, it tells me to insert the into the future disk, and when I do, the into the future game starts, not the island paradise game. I downloaded the island paradise and had no problems with the download. Additional Details: I have windows, I downloaded the outdoor living game a few months ago, I downloaded the into the future pack about a week ago and I downloaded the island paradise game today but have never played it because it tells me to insert the into the future disk when I try to play it. Thanks a lot for your help!

2013-12-30 01:46:32

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