Question #12800371

Is too late for me to go in school?

I'm 31 and I am a H.S drop out its only first year H.S I only finish in school and its been 16 years I been spending alone in our home I been taking care of my older parents, but now I want to go back in school but I don't want to go back in formal schooling in high school what I want to do if I could enroll in a short courses in fashion design even I am not a H.S grad. 'cause right now in Philippines, there's already a K-12 education its 12 years of schooling right now and before its only 10 years right now its 12 years of education in Philippines plus I had to go back in elementary level for 7th grader level and before that up to only Grade 6 and you already graduated but now there is no Grade 6 up to Gr.7 is now that's why I don't want to go back in formal schooling because I had to repeat my Grade school in Grade 7th until 12th grade its going to be long and I don't want that and what I want if I could be accepted in a short courses in Fashion Design school even I am not a H.S graduate or just H.S dropout I am or I will take up that vocational courses in Dressmaking maybe there I had the chance to be accepted and I am interested to enroll in H.A.P in Homeschool of Asia And Pacific I would like to enroll in their 6 months personal career and 6 months business course on Arts and Photography and Crafts and Hobbies 'cause I'm interested in Drawing, Painting, Visual Arts and Fine arts and they have it there but the problem is the money , I don't have any money to support my studies now how can I support my studies without money? And it is too late for me to go back in school ? And if ever I would go to in a Homeschool but its expensive too to enroll in!!! Anyway I'm from Philippines! thanks in advance!

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