Numbness in left hand pinkie and ring finger after long bmx rides?
I ride alot of bmx and this all started after probably my longest and hardest ride ever which was around 25 miles and to a skatepark where i rode alot at. this is typically not that hard on my body other than small numbness spot in my back foot and 2 fingers on my left hand all of which go away in about 1 hour but after riding quite a bit 3-4 days in a row recently the 2 fingers on my left hand pinkie and ring finger the finger tips go like actually numb not just tingly, they dont get tingly. i also had brain surgery 4 months ago from traumatic brain trauma but thats mostly healed and im not too concerned its the issue, but anyways they have been numb for 3 days off and on since my last ride and idk what it is.
TELL US , if you have any answer