Question #14818035

Should my cartilage piercing be throbbing?

Okay, so I got my helix (commonly referred to as a cartilage piercing) pierced on Thursday, so about 3-4 days ago, and I don't think it's infected, because everything it's doing is a song of healing. There's no green puss or anything, no puss at all actually, it's not like purple, there's not a ton of blood (although there's still a little blood when I clean it), and there's no real swelling. However, my ears a bit red and it's throbbing like crazy, and it hurts to the touch (when I clean it). Is this normal? I clean my ear with a saline solution 2-3 times a day and I don't touch it except when I clean it, but it hurts a lot

2017-01-02 23:38:15

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