Should I take my puppy to the vet now (it's 2:15am) or am I likely safe to wait until the morning?
I have a 15 week old lab puppy. He's been perfectly healthy and has one more round of shots to go that he's due for next week. Tonight though he has vomited a few times and I'm very worried. My husband told me he accidentally over fed him (he's recently home from a deployment and hasn't been around so it was really a complete accident). My pup usually eats 1 cup for dinner but my husband accidentally fed him two. This was at 7pm. At 11:30pm he vomited a large amount of what appeared to be his kibble, brown and chunky. Then he vomited again about an hour later, a little bit smoother but still brown and slightly chunky. Now he's been throwing up every 30-60 minutes very small amounts and it's gone from brown liquid to almost clear liquid. He does not have diarrhea, blood in the vomit, or any other odd symptoms. He hasn't been anywhere but my house and yard. He's a lab puppy so of course he wants to eat everything. Could it be just something he ate didn't agree with him? Or that he was over fed and his tummy is upset from that? Or does this sound like something fatal that I should get him in right this minute for? I am for sure taking him to the vet as soon as they open (8am), but I'm wondering if I should rush him to the after hours vet instead? I'm hesitant because I've heard some really bad things about that location.
TELL US , if you have any answer