Should I move in with a friend?
My friend wants my daughter and i to live with her. The last time we lived together she moved into help me with my daughter. I ended up taking care of my friend to. I paid all the bills and bought all the food. I made her leave with help from the manager. Now my friend has a job but she is already talking about quitting it. She wants me to move into more expensive apartment with her. However if she quits her job without finding another one or my income drops we could loose that apartment and all of us be homeless. I tried to explain this to her but she didn't get it and i have no faith in her. Well duh i paid for everything last time. I can't afford to do so again. Especially in the apartments she wants to move into. If she quits like she talks about wanting to then we will not be covered and all of us homeless. My daughter and i have a pretty decent set up and im not looking for another project and cant afford to take care of someone else. My thing is insanity is doing the sams thing twice and expecting different results. Are my fears parania? At present i told her no. Im not willing to risk my daughter loosing a roof over her head for a more expensive apartment. She was not workin at all when she came to help the first time. She is already stressed and wanting to quit this job. My income alone could not support those apartments. I am not willing to support her again. She's an adult. Shes been pushing me to do this with her but i put my foot down and said no.
TELL US , if you have any answer