Question #15068041

Stick and Poke Tattoo?

Im 14 years old and i live in Australia. Last night i did a very very stupid thing with some friends. I know its a very immature decision and that it could have been worse. But i had some friends over and they gave me a stick and poke tattoo. We used a sewing needle, string, non toxic black Indian ink, rubbing alcohol and antiseptic. I got mumanddad tattooed onto the middle of my wrist. we drew mum and dad and then rubbed some alcohol on my wrist and then began dipping the sterilised needle into my skin a long the traced lines. i regret it a lot. Its quite red at the moment, there's lots of little holes some with ink and some with out. it just doesn't look very good at the moment. Im keeping good care of it just like you should with any tattoo. but i don't know what to do! i'm only 14 and i don't think i could get it fixed up by a professional. should i wait a bit and scrub it of? or try to fix it up myself. and yes i do understand that this is the most stupid thing i could possibly do to get a tattoo done by a friend who has know idea how to do a proper tattoo but i really need help.

2017-05-02 04:34:26

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