Question #15068180

Improving vocal range (singing) and falsetto?

I'm a 16 year old guy and I'm trying to improve my range to make my voice more powerful so I can do falsetto. I have good pitch, not quite perfect, but close (I can match a note almost every time I hear it) but my range is limited. I'm baritone and can only really sing like ian curtis or other singers who were just okay. I want to get my voice close to Morrissey's (the smiths), thom yorke's (radiohead) and ian mcculloch (echo and the bunnymen). They're all baritone which is cool to me. Morrissey and thom use falsetto and I know its really hard to do for guys because we're not supposed to be able to until our mid twenties (?) I heard. Any advice? Like any specific vocal exercises to work on? I also have a huge fear of singing in front of others, so this might give me more confidence....just might... thanks for any help.

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