Question #15068210

Search Protect Will Not Uninstall, Costmin Won't Stay Away, and Free Soft Today Keeps Showing Up?

Basically, Costmin is still showing up in my Chrome browser extensions every time I restart the computer, Free Soft Today keeps re-installing, and Search Protect will not let me uninstall it without "administrator privileges". The extension called "Costmin" is showing up in my Chrome browser constantly. I've deleted it from my extensions, but it still comes back almost every time I restart the computer. It's not something I can find on my "uninstall/change a program" list, so the only time I see it is under tools on Chrome. Another program, which has been showing up under a variety of spellings, called "Free Soft Today" is also appearing in my start menu as well as my programs list, I've gone through and uninstalled everything in my programs that I do not recognize, including Free Soft Today, which always seems to come back. There's also a program listed called "Search Protect" (this does not show up in my browser). Now, every time I look something up about how to get rid of "Search Protect", everybody just says to uninstall it. When I try to, it tells me that I don't have administrator privileges. I've restarted in safe mode and have tried uninstalling it that way, and it didn't let me there, either. I've run a full scan on my Microsoft Security Essentials, and it told me that there was a trojan and a malware (called costmin), and I removed them. However, everything is still the same. All of these programs have showed up around the same time a few weeks ago.

2017-05-02 05:01:33

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