Question #15068211

Interpretation of my poem?

When I was 12 Sometimes I like to imagine That I'm still 12 years old. And that when I was 12, I went cliff diving. And that I'm still falling. Just day dreaming during the descent. I's just that my dreams got carried away. I stumbled into a world of my own. And in that world was all the pain, All the regret, All the longing, That 12 year old me knew knew. Time must have froze, As I've ben here for a while. This little scary world of mine. But I don't have to stay much longer. I can just walk right out. Back into the air. With the water below me. The refreshing blue waiting. And when I touch the water, I'll know what to do. I'll avoid all the rocks. I'll fix everything. I can be twelve years old again. I like to believe that.

2017-05-02 05:13:46

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