Question #15068334

How to get rid of a huge zit on my nose?

For the past week or two (i have no idea why it's been here so long!) i've had this huge zit on top of my nose, but not at the tip. It'd red and hurts if I put pressure on it. I've been caking on coverup on it just to get rid of the redness, but it's still noticeable that there's a zit there. How do i get rid of it? I've been trying 2 products my dermatologist recommended, but one just dries out my skin and causes peeling and the other doesn't affect it it only gets rid of the tiny pimples on my forehead. I've tried everything from toothpaste to drying it out with rubbing alcohol :and#92; Help?

2017-05-02 05:25:47

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