Question #15468370

How normal is it to have thin armpit and leg hair for a young adult female?

I am a 22 year old female and my armpit and leg hair is very thin, soft and light-colored, especially the leg hair. I started growing armpit hair when I was almost 13, but my leg hair has never changed, and because my leg hair is like that, I don't shave my legs often. I do shave the armpits though. Whenever I google the keywords "female leg hair", I only end up seeing pictures of very dark and thick female leg hair, so I just end up wondering that is my leg hair normal or is it Google that just tries to push some kind of shallow agenda. Same for the armpit hair, whenever I search pictures of female armpit hair, I only end up seeing pictures of really bushy armpits, and my armpit hair isn't bushy at all. It's only few little light-colored thin strands. Just how normal is it to have thin armpit and leg hair for a young adult female? I've been told that females naturally have thinner, lighter and soften body hair, but why is Google showing me very bushy female legs and armpits? I'm confused.

2018-07-08 02:13:52

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