Question #15468384


惠东哪里办真实出生医学证明?详询微+V芯:【tyt78789】真实医院代开,有存档,包上户。 瑕佺煡閬擄紝灏辩畻鏄瘺钁d簨闀匡紝涔熸病鑳戒韩鍙楀埌浜屽崄鍥涘皬鏃朵繚鎶ょ殑楂樻爣鍑嗗緟閬囥€?.. ... 鑷充簬涔嬪墠琚啢鏋変簡鐨勫勾杞诲伐浜哄皬鍏筹紝鍒欐槸涓€鑴告暚浠扮殑鐪嬪悜璧靛浗闃筹紝瀵逛粬甯嚜宸辨礂鍒峰啢灞堝崄鍒嗘劅婵€銆? ... 鍦ㄦ妧鏈儴锛岃档鍥介槼骞舵病鏈夎鍒扮帇娲枩銆? 鐪嬪緱鍑烘潵锛岃繖浣嶉檲鎵€闀垮湪鐪嬪緟闂鐨勬椂鍊欙紝杩樻槸寰堟湁鑷繁鐨勮瑙o紝涓嶆槸閭g鈥滀汉浜戜害浜戔€濈殑浜恒€? 

2018-07-08 02:28:49

TELL US , if you have any answer

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